11 Great Reasons to Vote

11 Great Reasons to Vote

We’re just a few weeks away from an incredibly important election. The votes people cast Nov. 4 will shape our future and our children’s.

I’m sure you are planning to vote, but maybe you know people who are on the fence—who think elections in non-presidential years just aren’t that important. Not true!

Here are 11 great reasons you can share with them to get them to the polls:

11. Bad politicians aren’t just elected by people who vote for them. They’re also elected by people who don’t vote at all. Don’t help elect politicians who work against your interests.

10. You can elect leaders who will work to raise the minimum wage.

9. Your vote will help win—finally—equal pay for equal work.

8. It’s time to enact earned sick days laws and paid family leave, don’t you think?

7. Health care is your right—you and your doctor should make decisions about your body, not some politician.

6. Choosing to join a union to improve your job is your right, too. Cast your vote to protect that right.

5. All over the country politicians have been slashing public education budgets, increasing class sizes and forcing our children to do without education basics. At the federal level, some have blocked relief from the crushing burden of student debt. We can do better.

4. Tired of gridlock, crumbling bridges and unsafe roads? Elect leaders who will invest in our public infrastructure, including transportation and safe water systems. These investments save lives and create jobs, too.

3. In 29 states and at the national level, there are no laws barring job discrimination against LGBTQ workers. Let’s change that.

2. Possible trade deals would allow giant global corporations using secret courts to challenge our laws protecting the environment, our rights as workers and food safety. Let’s vote for fair trade that keeps us safe and healthy.

1. Go to the polls and proudly vote for candidates who will make the economy work for working families like ours, not just for rich CEOs and campaign donors.

I bet you have other reasons we should all vote this year. Let me know what you think—use the comment area below.

Thank you—see you at the polls!


Originally posted at MomsRising.