What is Emergency Response Team

Typically, workplace emergencies that result in a fatality and/or life-altering injuries are reported to the USW’s Emergency Response Team (ERT) hotline by a local union member, local union president or USW district staff representative.

The hotline is available 24 hours a day at 866-526-3480.

The people on-call when a report comes in include ERT program coordinator Duronda Pope, who acts as a bridge between the company and the family of the injured or deceased worker, District ERT Coordinators and the USW Health Safety and Environment staff or health and safety reps.

The purpose of ERT is to assist families and coworkers, to work with the local union and to provide follow up support, as well as: 

  • To serve as victim advocates
  • Coordinate support for victims and families
  • Finding lodging for the family members in the area where the injured member is being treated.
  • Act as liaison between families and the employer and families and the local union.
  • Help victims and families secure legal representation if necessary.
  • Provide referrals to local therapists who understand the needs of organize labor and those dealing with loss and trauma.
  • Continued follow up
  • Gather information about health benefits and insurance.
  • To provide mental health resources to families and affected co workers.


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