USW Convention | April 7-10, 2025 Get registration information here
He stands up for jobs; advocates green manufacturing, energy policy
Contact: Joe Carlson, 508-482-5555, 508-868-6229
Milford, MA (Apr. 4) – The United Steelworkers (USW) District 4 has announced endorsement of Congressman Edward J. Markey (D-5th) for U.S. Senator in the Democratic primary election set for Apr. 30 in Massachusetts.
USW Director John Shinn of the New England regional district confirmed the union’s enthused support for Markey as the U.S. Senate candidate, declaring: “Markey has been a friend of the Steelworkers Union in the fifth congressional district for 37 years, bringing experienced leadership that stands up for the diversity of our membership in natural gas utilities, water authorities, municipal services, healthcare units, paper mills, and manufacturing.”
Acknowledging it was a difficult choice between two good Democratic congressmen with progressive scorecards, both vying for the critical U.S. Senate seat, Shinn said, “Markey’s leadership, his seniority and our work with him on green energy and sustaining good jobs became a deciding factor for our early endorsement over U.S. Rep. Stephen F. Lynch (D-8th).”
The USW director adds: “Markey in the Senate will bring needed expertise on environmental and job issues that will join the skill U.S. Sen. Elizabeth Warren brings on financial and consumer protection. Markey has listened to Massachusetts workers. He has laid out a vision to create jobs and prosperity, green manufacturing, and a diversified energy policy.”
Leo W. Gerard, USW International President, agrees, saying: “What makes Markey the best candidate is his record as one of the most experienced and capable legislators in Congress as the ranking Democrat on the House Natural Resources Committee, and also as a senior member on the Energy and Commerce Committee. He has used his authority on energy policy as a dependable leader for working families.”
The USW president explains, “When both the White House and Congress were moving legislation to limit greenhouse gas emissions – Rep. Markey stood with USW- represented workers not only in Massachusetts’ energy intensive industries, but for workers in those industries across the country that would be adversely affected by jobs lost to imports that came from countries that did not bear the same cost for emissions.
“Markey’s direct intervention got us a ‘border measure’ in the bill to address climate change,” Gerard relates. “The border adjustment provision would put a tariff on goods from countries that did not regulate greenhouse gases. Markey was a key ally in USW efforts to level the playing field for our members against unfair foreign trade competition.”
In the USW endorsement statement, Shinn declared: “Markey doesn’t avoid a tough fight on jobs. When three major oil refineries on the East Coast were slated for closure in nearby Philadelphia, Congressman Markey stood up for USW workers and consumers who depended on a ready supply of heating oil, jet fuel and gasoline for all of New England. He was among the leaders who helped find new buyers of the refineries, saving more than 2,500 USW oil workers’ jobs and avoiding dependence on oil imports.
“During the contentious debate on fixing our nation’s broken health care system, Congressman Markey stood up again from the very start with working families and voted for the Affordable Care Act that last month reached a third anniversary of implementation.
“Massachusetts seniors are saving hundreds of dollars on their prescription medications and young people throughout the Commonwealth are receiving insurance through family coverage. Our hard working union members will no longer be carrying the burden for the uninsured as healthcare will be affordable for all.
“By our endorsement of Markey for the U.S. Senate, the USW took a hard look at his record and leadership on workers’ issues. The USW will mobilize thousands of active and retired members from Boston to Worcester, and Lowell to Springfield. Our members will help Markey win the Democratic primary. We already know he will be the strongest candidate to win the special election June 25.”
The USW represents 850,000 workers in the United States, Canada and the Caribbean in a wide variety of industries that include metals, mining, glassmaking, paper, rubber, auto parts, energy, the public sector, service and healthcare industries.
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