Your Union, Your Voice 2024

USW members have responded to thousands of surveys, participated in countless town hall meetings across the United States, and shared their views on the union’s core issues through the ongoing “Your Union, Your Voice” program. Throughout those conversations and responses, members were very clear about the concerns that are most important to them – good jobs, workers’ rights, quality, affordable health care, retirement security, safer and healthier workplaces, and fair trade.

In preparation for the Nov. 5 election, USW@Work asked members from across the United States to share their thoughts on those and other important issues.

To learn more about the issues and find more information about the election, visit


Local 338
Kaiser Aluminum
Spokane, Wash.


“I want to make sure people understand what’s at stake. The rights of union members are on the ballot. Our wages and our pensions are on the ballot.

“Kamala Harris doesn’t just talk the talk, she walks the walk. She pounds the pavement with union workers who are on the picket line. That shows what she stands for – she stands for us. If she is willing to make that effort to support us, then I’m willing to make the same effort to support her.”

THE FACTS: Kamala Harris walked a picket line with striking autoworkers in 2019 and canceled an appearance in 2023 to avoid crossing a picket line. She has taken on price-gouging corporations, and she has spoken out and voted against unfair trade that harms workers. Harris has been vocal in her support for the Protecting the Right to Organize (PRO) Act.


Local 5282
Olin Chlor Alkali Products
Henderson, Nev.


“Harris and Biden have done so much for working people. The Inflation Reduction Act is a perfect example of how they have fought for everyday Americans. That legislation capped the cost of insulin for diabetic patients on Medicare, which hits very close to home for me. My wife is diabetic, and insulin is not cheap. That is life-changing for a lot of people.”

THE FACTS: In 2022, Kamala Harris cast the deciding vote for the Inflation Reduction Act, providing financial relief for millions of Americans, including those on Medicare, by expanding benefits, lowering costs, and strengthening the program for future generations. Specifically, the law capped the cost of insulin at $35 for a month’s supply.


Local 1014
U.S. Steel
Gary, Ind.


“The most important thing is educating members on the issues and making sure that they get out to vote. The infrastructure bill alone has made a huge difference in our plant. We make structural steel, and that has kept us busy. It has meant that we are hiring, not pulling back, and it has meant steady employment for Local 1014 members.”

THE FACTS: The Biden-Harris Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act provided $1.2 trillion to upgrade U.S. roads, bridges, railways, water pipes, electrical systems, broadband networks and other crucial needs, supporting good jobs for USW members and other workers through strong Buy American provisions. The law is estimated to support more than 700,000 new jobs per year over 10 years.


Local 593
Aurubis Copper Foundry
Buffalo, N.Y.


“Kamala Harris has already helped us build the middle class with legislation like the CHIPS and Science Act, which has supported a number of USW employers, like those of us in the copper industry. She will work to strengthen the National Labor Relations Board and the Occupational Safety and Health Administration to make our workplaces safer. All workers deserve to come home safely at the end of the day.”

THE FACTS: Through the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) and the Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA), the Biden-Harris administration has fought for numerous safety and health standards, including rules limiting exposure to silica dust and extreme heat, and expanding workers’ rights during workplace inspections.


Local 2660
Keetac Iron Ore Mine
Hibbing, Minn.


“I like to support candidates that support our union’s core values – things like good jobs, workers’ rights, secure retirements, safe workplaces, health care, fair trade. I will oppose people who want to take those things away from us.

“Those of us in labor, we want clean water and clean air, too, because we live in these communities. We have to have both – good jobs and a clean environment. It’s a challenge, but we have to meet it, because our future is at stake.”

THE FACTS: Kamala Harris cast the deciding vote for the Inflation Reduction Act.  The law’s clean energy and climate provisions have created more than 170,000 clean energy jobs already, and companies have announced more than $110 billion in clean energy manufacturing investments in the past year alone, including at many USW workplaces.


Local 889
Penreco, Calumet Karns City Refining
East Brady, Pa.


“Kamala Harris comes from the working class. She has been a big part of one of the most pro-labor administrations of our lifetimes. She stands up for workers’ rights, she fights for affordable health care, strong retirements. She is bringing a new energy to the campaign and has breathed new life into the labor movement.”

THE FACTS: Kamala Harris led the White House Task Force on Worker Organizing and Empowerment, focusing on removing barriers for workers across the United States who want to form unions, and creating more good-paying union jobs. In the first half of 2024 alone, union election petitions increased 35 percent.


Local 13434
Clean Harbors Environmental
El Dorado, Ark.


“Look at the pro-worker legislation that has been passed, and the choice could not be more clear. Kamala Harris helped pass the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, the American Rescue Plan, the CHIPS and Science Act. That’s enough to make it clear to those of us in labor that she’s with us.”

THE FACTS: The Biden-Harris CHIPS and Science Act allocated $280 billion to boost semiconductor production, chip manufacturing, research and education. It strengthened supply chains and bolstered U.S. manufacturing. The administration also created a national manufacturing policy and supported legislation to raise wages, make child care affordable, and expand the child tax credit.


Local 7600
Kaiser Permanente
Fontana, Calif.


“As a health care worker, it’s important to me that Kamala Harris has fought hard to make sure that Americans can get the health care they need at an affordable cost. It can be a real struggle for a lot of people, whether it’s for physical health care or mental health care, and it’s important to have a strong leader who stands up for people.”

THE FACTS: As a U.S. Senator, Kamala Harris sponsored legislation to make it easier for Medicare beneficiaries to receive mental health services and to help mental health professionals repay their student loans. She also led efforts to curb racism in health care settings and to improve maternal health.


Local 10-326
Smurfit Westrock
York, Pa.


“My dad’s pension would have been insolvent by 2031, if not for the Butch Lewis Act. He plans to retire soon, and he would not have been able to think about that if not for that legislation. Without that pension, he would not have much retirement savings at all.”

THE FACTS: Kamala Harris cast the critical tie-breaking vote for the American Rescue Plan of 2021, which included the Butch Lewis Act, saving the pensions of more than a million workers, including 120,000 active and retired USW members.


Local 1693
Hussey Copper
Louisville, Ky.


“Kamala Harris understands that when we stand together as union members, we can fight for fair wages and safe working conditions. Her support for legislation that strengthens unions gives me hope that our voices will be heard and that we can negotiate for better benefits and protections.

“Kamala Harris understands our struggles and is willing to fight for us. I believe that under her leadership we can create a more just and equitable economy where working families are valued and have a real shot at success.”

THE FACTS: The Biden-Harris administration established a national minimum staffing requirement for Medicare- and Medicaid-certified nursing homes. In the U.S. Senate, Kamala Harris fought for legislation to raise wages, cut costs for families and address workplace violence. As California’s attorney general, she cracked down on corporate greed and defended vulnerable workers against wage theft.

Press Inquiries

Media Contacts

Communications Director:
Jess Kamm at 412-562-6961

USW@WORK (USW magazine)
Editor R.J. Hufnagel

For industry specific inquiries,
Call USW Communications at 412-562-2442

Mailing Address

United Steelworkers
Communications Department
60 Blvd. of the Allies
Pittsburgh, PA 15222