Make a call; House voting on PRO Act (H.R. 2474) this Thursday!

Just a little over two weeks ago, we told you about workers who were organizing a beryllium producing facility in Ohio. Unfortunately, despite widespread enthusiasm at the outset, the effort ultimately failed after Materion forced workers into mandatory company meetings where union-busting consultants bullied and threatened them.

John Tate, one of the organizers who works in research and development at the plant, noticed a huge difference in support after the company brought in the hired-gun “union-avoidance” consultants and forced about 440 workers to attend multiple anti-union meetings. The consultants belittled workers — even questioned their intelligence for wanting to join a union —during meetings that lasted two to four hours.

Pictured: John Tate, a Materion worker and organizer stands in front of a plant gate rally to encourage his coworkers to vote yes on January 15, 2020.

“It was rough to watch,” Tate said.

This is just one reason the PRO Act is so badly needed. This bill would:

We need your calls!     

If you have already made a call to your Representative – thank you! Please get a coworker and family member to make one also. If you haven’t made that call yet – please do – it just takes a moment to make a big difference!  

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Media Contacts

Communications Director:
Jess Kamm at 412-562-6961

USW@WORK (USW magazine)
Editor R.J. Hufnagel

For industry specific inquiries,
Call USW Communications at 412-562-2442

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United Steelworkers
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60 Blvd. of the Allies
Pittsburgh, PA 15222