District 6 Top Volunteer Profile
USW Jefferson Award Winner: Philip Stewart-Burgoyne
Local Union: 8327
Location: Ottawa, ON
Service Work: Phil spends a lot of time volonteering for the local food bank and rehab center. He helps raise funds and donations from local businesses for these organizations, as well as for a homeless shelter. He works with social services to help his local union "adopt a family" at Christmas time so poor children can have a joyful Christmas and warm clothes to wear. Phil is proud of his union and promotes the Steelworkers everywhere he goes. On top of all this, he comes out whenever asked to help the union with organizing, rallies, etc.
Hours: continuous
Community Impact: Phil is very personable, and since he's had his own challenges in life, he relates well to people who are going through hard times. He has an impact on everyone he helps and works with.
Outstanding Quality: Phil has a good heart and gets his strength from helping others.
Prize money donated to: The Pavilion Food Bank