The State of the Union Is...

From the AFL-CIO

Over the past two years, the Trump administration has overseen a wide-ranging and deeply harmful assault on the rights, dignities and livelihoods of working people. Here are just a few of the president’s worst anti-worker actions:

  • Denied a paycheck to 40% of the federal work force through the longest government shutdown in history.
  • Jammed through massive corporate tax cuts on the backs of working people, encouraging further outsourcing and automation.
  • Derailed the Department of Labor’s overtime rule, blocking millions of workers from receiving a pay raise.
  • Proposed widespread cuts to health care, targeting critical funding for Medicare and Medicaid, as well as the health coverage of millions of Americans with pre-existing conditions.
  • Undermined the new conflict of interest rule, potentially costing working people more than one-quarter of our retirement savings.
  • Stacked the National Labor Relations Board with union-busting corporate lawyers.
  • Made workplaces more dangerous by rolling back important federal safety regulations.
