The GOP Tax Scam

From the AFL-CIO

Congress should never raise taxes on working families to pay for huge handouts to corporations and billionaires. Instead of rigging the rules to kill our jobs, cut our health care and education, and take money out of our pockets, Congress should focus on advancing an agenda that lifts up working people.

The GOP tax bill will directly benefit the super-rich and allow their children to inherit millions tax-free, while killing jobs and putting a heavy burden on working families.

The richest 1% of households will receive 83% of tax cuts, and the richest 0.1% will get an average tax cut of more than $148,000.

The average household making less than $75,000 will pay more in taxes by the year 2027. In all, 70 million households making less than $100,000 eventually will pay more.

The bill is also a job killer, because it ends taxes on corporate profits made overseas, which is a huge incentive to send American jobs offshore.

It will lead to Social Security, Medicaid and Medicare cuts. GOP leaders have already said they will cut these programs to pay for the $1.5 trillion deficit in this bad tax plan.

Working people want fair tax and budget policies that raise the revenue to invest in American priorities such as good jobs, quality infrastructure, public education and essential benefits.
