Donald Trump Gets Good Factory Job Numbers in his First Full Month

Matthew McMullan

Matthew McMullan Communications Manager, Alliance for American Manufacturing

President Donald Trump rails against “dishonest” media all the time. Doesn’t like bad press, apparently! Well. He’ll like this headline:

U.S. Jobs, Pay Show Solid Gains in Trump's First Full Month

That’s right: Today is jobs day, and the government’s Bureau of Labor Statistics has released its employment report. Trump used to call the jobs report “phony” when it was expedient for him to do so – meaning, when he wasn’t president – but he sure likes them now!

Anyway, in February the economy created 28,000 manufacturing jobs. Yes, yes: Employment is cyclical, and the jobs report might reflect some of that. Nevertheless, we think 28,000 new manufacturing jobs is a good sign for the economy, and the president's first full jobs report is good news.

Here’s what Alliance for American Manufacturing President Scott Paul said:

"Factory workers received some good news today. The manufacturing sector has seen growth the last few months, showing that revitalization is possible with the right policies.

"If this growth is to continue, the administration and Congress must commit to sustainable infrastructure investment with Buy American preferences, strong trade enforcement, smart tax policies, and tools that address currency manipulation.

"Working-class voters are watching, and they are counting on action."


This was reposted from AAM.