Medicare for All

Terry Steagall
USW Local 1010

The solution for healthcare is Medicare for All, if you want to solve the problem.

Medicare for All covers the elderly, pre-Medicare retirees in the gap without coverage, Veterans not receiving their benefits, the homeless, the unemployed, the working poor, children, students in college , small employers  and large employers with a cost-effective, fair fee schedule for doctors and hospitals.

It’s time we wake up, America, on Medicare for All. It benefits everyone, and corporate America needs to get on board. We need to be willing to fight the lobbyists working for the Insurance Industry  that are using their unfair influence to control Congress and keep a dysfunctional healthcare system to deny people healthcare to boost the profits for the insurance industry. We have Americans ordering prescriptions on the internet from Canada for greatly reduced prices for the same prescription medicine. Congress we have a problem!

We need a broad-based coalition to support Medicare for All and bring the facts to the public of the cost benefit of Medicare for All in a realistic factual presentation. Our healthcare costs are as much as three times those of other industrial nations and we need to look at the total cost of healthcare in America. And we should factor in the cost of healthcare for millions of Americans without healthcare. The bottom line is when someone ends up in the hospital emergency room without health insurance, someone is going to pay. The unfair burden of medical care should not be added to the bills of consumers with health insurance and it should not force people into medical bankruptcies.   

It’s time we had a healthcare system for all Americans. Solve the problem with Medicare for All.


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