Election 2016: Members Speak Out

Jeff Vance
Local 1155L

Jeff Vance, 51, of Tullahoma, Tenn., has been a union member for 22 years and serves as a steward and Rapid Response coordinator with USW Local 1155L at Bridgestone.

“The way we ensure we have a future is to ensure we have the right people in office because some people just want to crush unions. We have to be involved in the political process, or they could crush us by implementing certain things like no right to strike. For example, Trump supports right to work.

“Hillary Clinton is a person who will represent all people as president, all Americans, black, white, Latino, everybody. Trump doesn’t like blacks, Latinos, Muslims. He doesn’t want to represent anyone but white men.

“As a member of the United Steelworkers, I don’t understand that. My union represents all kinds of people. We represent all workers. I want a president who can represent all Americans.”
