Three Questions for Obama on Fast Track and TPP

This piece on the White House website, See What the Most Progressive Trade Agreement in History Looks Like.  makes assertions regarding TPP without evidence.

Fortunately they are being refuted by many progressives, and others, offering counter-evidence. The White House ought to release the text of the TPP, but it refuses to. Therefore I offer the following common sense questions to counter the claim that the TPP is the most progressive trade agreement in history:

Why are the leaders of the Progressive Wing, as well as Sens. Elizabeth  Warren and Bernie Sanders so vehemently opposed to Fast-Track enabled TPP?

Why is Greed’s Obstructionist Party (GOP) that has been sabotaging the Presidency from prior to its inception embracing Fast-Track enabled TPP?

Why are the TPP trading partners, after seeing other countries benefit from regressive U.S. trade agreements for four decades, willing to let the U.S. have a the most progressive trade agreement in history?


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