Bernie Sanders' Political Revolution: An Idea Whose Time has Come

Big Lie: America Doesn't Have #1 Richest Middle Class in the World: We're Ranked 27th!  provides ample justification for Bernie Sanders' Political Revolution.

America is the richest country on Earth. We have the most millionaires, the most billionaires and our wealthiest citizens have garnered more of the planet's riches than any other group in the world. We even have hedge fund managers who make in one hour as much as the average family makes in 21 years!  

Our middle class is falling further and further behind in comparison to the rest of the world. We keep hearing that America is number one. Well, when it comes to middle-class wealth, we're number 27.  

Why? Corrupt and/or unresponsive leadership. This leadership gap combined with the principle enablers of revolution, new technology and the empowerment of the masses makes Bernie Sanders' political revolution is so promising.


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