Local 1-424 Receives The I.W. Abel Award

I Kinda Liked Mitt Romney, Until I Lost My Job

Mary Jo Kerr is a young mom of three. She's one of hundreds of workers whose jobs at an auto sensor plan in Freeport, Ill., are being shipped to China because of Mitt Romney's Bain Capital. Before you vote, please watch and share her story.

Profits Over People

Randy Johnson, speaks about his experience with Mitt Romney and Bain Capital choosing profits over people. Their greedy decisions eventually drove AMPAD, the company Randy worked for, into bankruptcy. Watch to hear what he has to say about Mitt Romney never making the workers a priority.

Romney's Bain Selling Out American Workers to China

Mitt Romney and Bain Capital continue to move good, American jobs overseas for big profits. Watch and share the story of Sensate workers in Freeport, Ill., to see how selling out American workers and moving jobs to China continues to line Romney's pockets.

Shame on you, Scott Brown :30 TV

Retired Steelworker Steve Skavara of Indiana was shocked to see himself in a political ad by Massachusetts U.S. Senator Scott Brown. Watch to hear what he has to say to the GOP candidate.

Shame on you, Scott Brown

Retired Steelworker Steve Skavara of Indiana was shocked to see himself in a political ad by Massachusetts U.S. Senator Scott Brown. Watch to hear what he has to say to the GOP candidate.