Workers Uniting

USW and Unite joined forces in 2008 to form Workers Uniting an International Labor affiliation. Aimed at improving the lives of workers world wide.

Vale : A Global Fight

The USW has been at odds with an international company; Vale, doing business in Sudbury Canada and has received international support from labor organizations around the world.

Father Cleve Kiley Invocation

Fr. Kiley gives the invocation on the opening day of the United Steelworkers Constitutional Convention, August 15, 2011

Los Mineros Update

Process in Liberia

With the help of Steelworkers, the AFL-CIO and others, plantation workers in Liberia have bargained their second contract, forcing Firestone to end the horrific practice of forcing workers to lug 150 pounds of latex on their shoulders.

Building a Union in Bangladesh

The USW and Workers Uniting are supporting efforts by workers in Bangladesh to build a free and independent union. As this video shows, the workers there are forced to tear apart huge container ships 12 hours a day, 7 days a week with no safety protections for just pennies.