Sen. Elizabeth Warren's Message to the USW

U.S. Senator for Massachusetts Elizabeth Warren addressed the delegates by reminding us that America was richer when American familes were richer. We need to reform our labor laws to help workers to be able to form unions and bargain collectively.

USW 2014 Convention: Napoleon Gomez

Napoleon Gomez, president and general secretary of Mexico's Los Mineros union, talks about the power of international solidarity in this video message to the 2014 USW Constitutional convention.

Why College Athletes Signed Union Cards

Ramogi Huma, President of the College Athletes Players Association addresses the United Steelworkers 2014 Convention.

2014 USW Convention: Michael Vassiliadis

Michael Vassiliadis, President of IGBCE addresses the delegates at the United Steelworkers 2014 Convention on the importance of International Solidarity.

2014 USW Convention: Tony Burke

Tony Burke, Assistant General Secretary for Unite the Union addresses the United Steelworkers 2014 Convention Delegates international solidarity.

Organizing the Unorganized: iTaxi Toronto

Under the leadership of the United Steelworkers, iTaxi drivers in Toronto have organized to fight for better benefits, wages and securities.