USW Launches Organizing Campaign at Pitt

The United Steelworkers (USW) sponsored a news conference for full and part-time faculty and graduate employees of the University of Pittsburgh to discuss their ongoing campaign to improve working conditions for instructors and learning conditions for students by organizing and bargaining collectively for union representation.

Black liquor – it’s not what it sounds like.

It’s actually a byproduct of making paper that is used as clean source of renewable biomass to power pulp and paper mills. Visit to learn more.

Happy Holidays from the USW

This past year has been tough for so many, but through it all we’ve held onto hope, pushed through with our unbreakable fighting spirit and showed the true meaning of solidarity. These are among our greatest gifts. Thank you for making our union so special. May this holiday season fill us with joy and inspire us to keep working for better lives in 2016 and beyond.

Faculty are the heart and soul of Chatham

In order to help students succeed, faculty need adequate support from the University. This means a living wage, job security, and a voice in decision-making. If you want to join your colleagues in standing together to refocus the University’s priorities on those who do the teaching and learning, go to

Steelworkers turn up the heat on big steel

Thousands of USW members and supporters took to the streets of Pittsburgh, Chicago and Burns Harbor, Ind., on Sept. 1 to demand fair contract settlements with U.S. Steel, ArcelorMittal and Allegheny Technologies Inc. (ATI).

We're all in this together

When Allegheny Technologies Inc. unfairly locked their workers from their jobs, Maddio's Pizza & Subs owner, Matt Struhar, took a stand for his friends, family and the community.