National Grid is risking public safety!

National Grid’s use of less-experienced replacement workers is a risk to public safety. So much so, many cities and towns in the Boston area have voted to temporarily stop all non-emergency gas work, citing numerous safety violations by National Grid management and replacement workers. Tell National Grid to STOP! Visit

National Grid, this is personal.

As if being diagnosed with bladder cancer isn’t scary enough, imagine that very day you learn your long-time employer is cutting off your health care after locking you out of your job. That’s exactly what National Grid did to our brother and thousands like him in Massachusetts. Sign our petition to tell National Grid they’re wrong: #USWUnity #OneDayLonger

Child has cancer and National Grid cuts off health insurance

Imagine your sick child is scheduled for his first chemo treatment and you are literally blocked from going to work by your long-time employer, who stops your family’s health care coverage. This is what National Grid is doing to our brothers and sisters in Massachusetts. Join us in telling National Grid that it’s shameful, immoral and that the lockout needs to end: #EndTheLockOut #USWUnity

National Grid shut-off my health care

This is what National Grid is doing to our brothers and sisters in Massachusetts. Join us in telling National Grid that it’s shameful, immoral and that the lockout needs to end: #EndTheLockOut #USWUnity

Safe staffing is essential!

Comprehensive safe staffing practices that recognize the vital role that every health care worker plays in delivering quality patient care is essential in order to make Kaiser Permanente the best place to work and receive care.

WPXI News Clip - Pitt Parran Hall Renaming

WPXI's Gordon Loesch reports on the probable renaming of the University of Pittsburgh's Parran Hall. Interviewed: Abby Cartus of the Pitt Graduate Student Union.