2017 USW Holiday Card

Happy Holidays from our union family to yours!

Now is the time to sign your union card!

Visit www.askagrad.org to get in touch with an organizer so you can sign your union card before the end of the semester.

A union gives us a collective voice on the national level

Having a union gives us a collective voice to advocate for ourselves and all graduate student employees on issues that impact our work. Email info@pittgradunion.org to get in touch with an organizer to learn more about the campaign.

Manufacturing is vital to national defense

It’s been more than 200 days without any action on steel and aluminum imports that threaten our country's national security, despite promises from the president. Meanwhile, plants are idle, imports are rising and workers’ jobs are at risk. Every day without action is another day that hurts USW members, our communities and our nation. Please join us in urging the Trump administration to keep its promises by signing our petition at www.usw.org/232

Mining Matters to Minnesota

Dig a little deeper at www.miningisminnesota.org. The USW has also fought for decades to protect our land, water and air. We supported the Clean Air Act of 1970 and have long fought for stricter air pollution and fuel-efficiency standards. Long ago, we realized that any “choice” between good jobs and a clean environment is a false one – we must have both or we will have neither.

Sen. Brown blasts the GOP tax bill

What the tax plan will mean to working people. Call your Senator now and tell them to VOTE NO: 877-607-0785.