The USW Civil and Human Rights Conference 2019: Rev. Bishop William J. Barber II

Our Civil and Human Rights conference is happening this week in Minneapolis, where delegates are discussing some of our nations' most important issues, gaining tools to build stronger locals and communities and hearing from some amazing leaders, including Bishop William Barber who called on Steelworkers everywhere to join together to fight for our morality. Watch his message here. #USWUnity #CHR2019 #1u

USW Anti Harassment Policy video

Thank you!

Leadership. In our union, it’s so much more than a word. Leadership is about people: the men and women we’re honored to serve. And the women and men who’ve served with honor. Watch and share our tribute to Leo W. Gerard, Stan Johnson, Carol Landry and Jon Geenen as they retire and we welcome new leaders to continue our great legacy.

John Hritz Supports Unions!

During a WTAE interview, John Hritz claims that he doesn't care if JSW Steel is unionized! Hear it directly from the horse's mouth!

#USWMade: Interior Crafts Furniture

Local 9777 (Interior Crafts) out of Chicago, Illinois, is one of the last unionized furniture manufacturers left in the states. Over 70 of our brothers and sisters make some of the finest furniture sold today. Using old school craftsmanship skills they’ve learned on the job, they produce

Solidarity March Supports Locked-Out ABI Workers.

A blue wave of solidarity blanketed the streets of Trois-Rivières, Quebec! Over five-thousand demonstrators were demanding a resolution to the lockout of ABI smelter workers. The Grand Solidarity March has been organized in support of 1,030 workers, members of United Steelworkers (USW) Local 9700, who have been locked out of their jobs at the ABI smelter since Jan. 11, 2018.