Building a Union in Bangladesh

The USW and Workers Uniting are supporting efforts by workers in Bangladesh to build a free and independent union. As this video shows, the workers there are forced to tear apart huge container ships 12 hours a day, 7 days a week with no safety protections for just pennies.

International Solidarity

In today's global world, it's important to have a global union that fights for working families everywhere. Not only does it help our members, but it's the right thing to do.

Armine Yalnizyan: "It's Up to You"

Armine Yalnizyan of The Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives addresses the 2011 USW Constitutional Convention.

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"One Day Longer"

USW young member Mike "O.B." O'Brien performs his song "One Day Longer" at the USW International Convention, August 15th, 2011

Our Union's Next Generation of Leaders

USW Members pass a resolution laying out a plan for our unions next generation of leaders.

Rep. Nancy Pelosi

Rep. Nancy Pelosi addressed the 2011 USW Constitutional Convention