We Supply America Congressional Briefing 10/28/2021

Members and leadership of the United Steelworkers explain to members of Congress exactly how We Supply America, and why investing in infrastructure means investing in us, our jobs and our communities.

Strap in for some Solidarity!

Fast cars, friends and family are the name of the game. USW's Local 1066 has had such success with their annual Race Day that the other Steelworker locals in the area wanted to join in. USW 1014 and 2695 joined in and brought a little family rivalry and competition to the day. What comes out at the end is family and solidarity!

It's time to stop screwing around with infrastructure

Our USW International President Tom Conway didn't hold back in his message about the infrastructure bills. Watch now! #WeSupplyAmerica ##USWMade

We're not pushing anyone's agenda here but our own

Our USW International President Tom Conway didn't hold back in his message about the infrastructure bills. Watch now! #WeSupplyAmerica ##USWMade

Suicide prevention for our Veterans of Steel

September is Suicide Prevention Month, and we want to share the resources we have available for our Vets of Steel and other members. Visit usw.org/vetsofsteel. Or call 1-800-273-8255 and Press 1 or Text 838255. Any Steelworker who needs someone to talk to, especially if you're having thoughts of suicide: please visit usw.org/help, call 1-800-985-5990, or text TalkWithUs to 6674. #USWCares #VetsOfSteel

This is an American Issue

USW Vice President, Fred Redmond, talks about the importance of upgrading America's aging infrastructure.