On ExxonMobil's Front Door

Locked out USW members at ExxonMobil in Beaumont, Texas, are taking the fight right to Exxon’s corporate headquarters! Please show your support: http://usw.to/exxon

ATI Louisville, Ohio

USW International Vice President Dave McCall reveals at this recent rally with our fam at Local 1046 in Louisville, Ohio, why ATI really forced us out on an unfair labor practice strike. Watch to find out and show solidarity with this local, which is among the more than 1,300 of our Steelworker siblings at eight locations in Pennsylvania, Ohio, New York and Massachusetts battling ATI. #OneDayLonger #1u #USWUnity

U.S. Pharmaceutical Jobs Are Going To India

USW Local 8-957 members in Morgantown, W.Va., are the best at what they do: making life-saving medicine for Viatrice, formerly Mylan. But the new company wants to send our jobs to India - a devastating decision we won't let happen without a fight. More: https://usw8-957.org/

Real Talk About Infrastructure Investment

USW International President Tom Conway and Vice President Roxanne Brown take your questions about the We Supply America campaign and discuss why investing in infrastructure is investing in us - all of us. #USWMade #USWVoices #1u

Your TAA benefits explained in 15 minutes

We know it's overwhelming when the announcement comes that your facility is shutting down. We do everything we can to save jobs, but if we can't, we do everything we can to help you. Take less than 15 minutes to watch our Legislative Director Roy Houseman explain what the Trade Adjustment Assistance program is and how it can help you find a new career.

Workers' Memorial Day 2021

Today, more than ever, our mission to keep every worker safe and healthy at work is as important as ever. Every worker deserves to come home from work alive. Every worker deserves a voice in their health and safety. Every worker deserves a union. Join us as we honor those we lost to workplace accidents. #WorkersMemorialDay2021 #1u #PROAct