One Day Longer!

In this video USW Local 1-1937 striking members who have been on Strike since July 1st, talk about the importance of why they are standing up and striking against Western Forest Products.

Don't be afraid of a union!

Kathy Palin says Materion workers in #Ohio have nothing to be afraid of, and can't wait to have a union. Watch & share to show her you have her back! #1u #VoteYes

At the end of the day, I want to try something new! #USWUnity

John Tate has given over a decade of his life to Materion Corp. and just wants things to get better at work. That's why he wants to join our union. Watch & share to let him know we can't wait to have him in the family! #1u #VoteYes

It's personal, I can't turn my cheek this time!

Brenan Minch says it's time for him and others who make Materion Corp. work to be treated with dignity and respect. That's why they are voting #UnionYes. Watch & Share to let them know we're with them! #1u #USWUnity

A Life Changing Story

Watch as our brother Ernesto “Tito” Ochoa of USW Local 6787 shares his story about being detained by ICE on his way to work, thrown in federal jail and threatened with deportation. Tito's story recently shared at our Next Gen conference, is one of the most powerful testimonials we've ever heard and makes us so damned proud to be Steelworkers. #USWUnity #1u

USW Next Gen Community Day of Action!

What do you do with almost 900 energized USW Next Gen members? Turn them loose on the Pittsburgh community to lend a helping hand! #NG2019 #USWCares