Local 309 Membership Update: Aug. 9, 2024

Brothers and Sisters,

Here is what was covered at this month’s Union meeting:

The company has told Mike Bivens that they will be conducting safety stand downs over the next several shift due to this elevated amount of incidents that have occurred. If by the time that you read this and you’ve been in the plant on shift you should have been in one of these. If by chance you’ve not, please reach out to your department or plant chair ASAP! 

As you can see from what all the Union has been involved in over the past few weeks, we’re really focusing on getting out and giving back in our community. If you want to be a part of this please don’t hesitate to reach out any of the following folks: the Bargaining Committee, NextGen Chair (Zack Peabody, 865-816-8013), Veterans of Steel Chair (Brian McConnell, 865-995-8218), Women of Steel Chair (Michelle James, 865-850-6684).

Again, thank you for all that you do and stay safe!