Submitted by Van Tenpenny
As they have done in the past, United Steelworkers Local 1155L through their generous donations, ensured that children at Morrison Elementary in Morrison, TN would have school supplies once again this fall. Guiding the collection were the local Women of Steel.
USW Local 1155L adopted the elementary school over 20 years ago and has provided the needed assistance for those whose parents cannot afford it.
Below is a letter written by one of the students thanking the Local.
This project is just one of so many USW's amazing members do every day to give back to our communities. If you or your local are doing good things in your community, we want to hear about them. Let us know and share video and photos at and use the #USWCares hashtag when you post your stories on social media. Don't forget to shout out @Steelworkers!